Land Use/Land Cover(LULC) Classification with Semi-Supervised Learning

INTRODUCTION Land Use Land Cover (LULC) classification is a vital process in remote sensing and geographic information systems. It categorizes Earth’s surface based on physical cover (e.g., forests, water, buildings) and human usage (e.g., agriculture, urban development, conservation). For instance, an area may have a land cover of ‘grass’ with a land use of ‘park’ or ‘golf course’. This classification, …

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Exploring India’s Wind Patterns using data

India’s energy sector is significantly propelled by its robust indigenous wind power industry, which has demonstrated consistent and notable growth over time. Wind energy accounts for approximately 35% of the total renewable energy1 in the country. As of 2020, India ranked 4th in wind power and 5th in solar power globally2. Looking ahead, India has set an ambitious goal to …

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Urban Sprawl along the Indian coastlines using Data

Urban sprawl around India’s coastline is a growing concern as the nation continues to urbanize rapidly. With an extensive coastline stretching approximately 7,500 kilometers1, encompassing the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian Sea, India’s coastal regions are home to numerous major cities and towns. This urban expansion is driven by economic opportunities, trade, and population growth, leading …

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Harvesting tomorrow with Farm Forensics: AI Revolutionizing Plant Disease Detection in Agriculture

“If agriculture goes wrong, nothing else will have a chance to go right in the country” – M S Swaminathan, Indian agronomist and agricultural scientist Agriculture stands as the backbone of many economies worldwide, playing a vital role in ensuring food security and sustaining livelihoods. In India, agriculture is not only a significant contributor to the national economy but also …

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Accelerating Agricultural Innovation with the ADeX Sandbox

The Agricultural Data Exchange (ADeX) is designed to revolutionise the agriculture sector by providing efficient and seamless data exchange through open and standardised interfaces. ADeX aims to address the challenges of feeding a growing global population while minimising environmental impacts and preserving natural resources. By making agricultural data accessible and useful, ADeX empowers farmers and stakeholders to create innovative, data-driven …

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Sustainability in the Information Society

In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development of the United Nations released Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report. The report firmly established the modern paradigm of sustainable development, as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. This definition established the inextricable linkage …

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Using Differential Privacy to Generate Synthetic Data: an Approach for Low-Dimensional Datasets

In the ever-connected, digital world of today, we have seen an explosion in the amount of data created by billions of stakeholders from around the world. This exponential growth in the scale and volume of this data has allowed us to extract valuable information and insights from this data. However, the existence of such large amounts of individual data has …

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IISc’s FSID Launches Centre of Data for Public Good with a first-of-a-kind Symposium

Bangalore, November 24: In an initiative aimed at leveraging data for social good, the Foundation for Science Innovation and Development (FSID) within the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) announces the launch of the Centre of Data for Public Good (CDPG). The Centre is dedicated to advancing research, innovation, collaboration, and best practices in the realm of data science, analytics, and …

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Leveraging AI for Smart Transportation

Leveraging AI for Smart Transportation Data Dialouges Episode 1 Register Now Leveraging AI for Smart Transportation Mitigating traffic congestion and improving safety are the cornerstones of transportation within Smart Cities. Current practices collect and analyze data from sensors and video processing and then process it offline. Hence, they are limited in proactively reducing traffic fatalities and preventable delays at intersections. We are …

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Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) launches the National Urban Digital Mission (NUDM) along with other digital initiatives for transforming urban governance

National Urban Digital Mission (NUDM) & Several Digital Initiatives Launched For Transforming Urban Governance Ecosystem-driven approach to urban governance India urban data exchange (IUDX) production version, smartcode platform also launched Secure and reliable data sharing with IUDX Seamless interface for data providers and data users New smart cities website & Geospatial management information system GMIS for project monitoring developed Shri …

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