Data-Driven Solid Waste Management Optimization with Vehicle Routing and Redistribution Strategy

Oct 2024

Data-Driven Solid Waste Management Optimization with Vehicle Routing and Redistribution Strategy

Authors: Chetan Kumar Kuraganti, Arun Josephraj, Saanidhya Vats, Amarthya KR, Koesha Sinha, Raghu Krishnapuram and Rakshit Ramesh

This paper presents two techniques for optimizing solid waste management (SWM) systems of a city. The first technique involves planning routes for garbage collection vehicles which utilizes the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) and Google-OR-Tools to create an optimized route which minimizes transportation costs and improves operational efficiency. The second technique, a city-wide garbage redistribution strategy, involves analyzing waste dumping patterns between various sites and proposing effective vehicle dumping site redistribution strategies to optimize holding capacities at waste disposal locations. Further, the paper discusses supporting analyses, such as identifying dumping sites through vehicle trip patterns and estimating daily garbage generation per ward. By leveraging data analytics and optimization techniques, this paper contributes to advancing SWM practices in smart cities, providing enhanced decision-making and resource management.


2024 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2)